Le mot "avenir"

traduction en anglais : Fiona Sampson

                                 The Words "The Future"


I’m looking at “the future”. I’m sitting in the present and looking at “the future”. I’m trying to see what’s beyond, but “the future” is an opaque object. I get up and go round it. Gently. Does it take time to get round “the future”? …And now I see “the future” from the back: I see “erutuf eht”. “Erutuf eht” is only slightly opaque. I try, beyond “erutuf eht”, to distinguish the present. I make out my empty chair. I tell myself, positioned in front of “erutuf eht” and further off my empty chair, that if I go back I’ll see “the future”, I’ll see the future without inverted commas. I go back very gently and I see: “the future”. Behind “the future” is “the future”. Don’t give in too quickly. I go gently round “the future”#2, I turn back gently and see “erutuf eht”. I turn back gently and see “the future”#3. I stop for a while. I ask myself about present. About the problem of the empty chair. After sprinting eight metres, I hurdle “the future”#3, then “the future”#4, and I continue running and jumping but I’m no longer worrying about the present or the empty chair. Until “the future”#10. And there: nothing more. Except, on the bare ground fifteen metres away: “finishing line”. I jump “finishing line”, so lightly. Lots of noise from the stands. (My ancestors, my descendants.) They make a hellish din. I’m still in the present. I turn back under the shouts and missiles. I see the perspective of “erutuf eht”s and right at the end, undisturbed: my chair is empty.